Would you like to use your skills and talents to make a direct and tangible impact for God's kingdom? Are you interested in proclaiming Christ's hope and love? Do you want a great sense of purpose and mission in your career?
If your answer is yes, Moody Bible Institute may be the place for you!
Join over 750 employees who are committed to serving Jesus Christ in our college, our broadcasting media network, and our publishing ministry here in Chicago and locations around the United States.
Our team members are passionate about advancing the gospel for the sake of Jesus, and we are committed to the development of your gifts and talents while at Moody . . . all for God’s glory.
Top reasons people apply to Moody:
- To do work that has eternal value
- To partner with an organization that they admire and trust
- To work with people who share their high view of Scripture
We would love to have you join the Moody family. Together we can fulfill Moody's mission and live out our shared values.
As a religious institution, we do require that employees hold beliefs consistent with our Doctrinal Statement and Position Statements and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with our religious beliefs, as explained in our Community Standards (pdf).
Watch this video for a snapshot of what it’s like to work at Moody

Alumni and Student CareerFinder
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CareerFinder job board →Diversity
Students and Faculty
Moody Bible Institute's main undergraduate and seminary campus is located in the heart of the diverse, global city of Chicago. The school hosts a population of over 250 international students, "missionary kids" and faculty from more than six continents and 50 countries, including: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Ecuador, France, Germany, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Romania, South Korea, Thailand and the United Kingdom.
God has instilled talents and differences in all of us. Moody values those differences, believing a diverse community creates a dynamic work environment.
- Our core beliefs, values and goals align closely with a diverse employee base, including:
- Our vision to reach across the globe, cultures and generations to equip believers with the truth of God's Word
- Our belief in the worth and dignity of the individual, based on God's creation of man in His image (Genesis 1:26-27)
Our understanding of the church as a body, with different members of varied strengths (1 Corinthians 12:12-14)
Moody is committed to building a workplace of diversity. Since its founding, Moody has helped people from all walks of life understand and apply the Bible. Based on this mission, we value the contributions of employees of various ages, nationalities, cultural backgrounds, races and gender.
The rich diversity of our organization reflects the diversity of the people we serve each day. We have an obligation and calling to create a culturally inclusive environment.
Check out our latest impact report
Title IX Policy
Moody expects all members of the Moody community to comply with Moody’s Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Response Policy (“Title IX Policy”). We strongly encourage you to contact the Title IX office regarding any conduct that potentially constitutes sexual harassment or sexual violence involving an employee or student. The employee responsible for coordinating Title IX compliance efforts is:
Andrew Smith, Director/Title IX Coordinator
820 N. LaSalle Blvd. Chicago, IL 60610
(312) 329-2113
Please review the Title IX webpage at the following URL to access the Title IX Policy and for more information and resources related to Sex-Based Misconduct and Sex Discrimination:
Campus Safety Reports
- Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports
(for each campus) - Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Policy
(policy statement and notification regarding Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989.)
Contact Human Resources
Human Resources Office
820 N. LaSalle Blvd., Chicago, IL
(312) 329-4237
Office Hours
8:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. CT